Killarney has seen its population increase by more than 30% as the state plants huge numbers of undocumented random migrants, asylum seekers and refugees...
“Silent protest held outside Kerry church where ranting priest claimed gay people were going to hell” screamed Pat Flanagan’s the headline on Monday, November...
After sparking government sponsored media outrage with his anti-LGBTQ+ sermon, Fr Sheehy said that he was preaching "the word of God" as all priests...
Rumble recently posted the following message to its users in France. Rumble Notice to Users in France. Because of French Government demands to remove...
A ground breaking new scientific paper published Tuesday exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official...
The following information is a presentation of evidence, combined with my opinions, based on factual details available in the public domain. My opinions are...