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Why Revive the Irish People Now?

The mainstream media today won’t tell you the truth in relation to medicine, politics or indeed any other subject. Journalism as a profession has either...

A New Ireland Blueprint Towards the new Republic part II

In part 1of “A New Ireland Blueprint” if you haven’t read it I suggest you do so before continuing. You will find it here...

Dáil Éireann Constitution 1919 – The Real One

Due to the circulation of a number of false documents all purporting to be the authentic Dáil Éireann’s 1919 Constitution, it is important to...

When Ignorance Screams Intelligence Moves On

Many people are exasperated because no matter how much scientific evidence they even from the most eminent sources they are met with a look...

An Tóstal The festival celebrating Irish life

A countrywide series of festivals were launched in 1953 to simultaneously celebrate Irish life all that was worthy of celebrating in Ireland in the 1950’s...

We took the Jab. Now we are Offended

In Ireland, as most government Covid quarantine mandates were suddenly removed without prior warning last week it left many of the vaxed feeling undermined,...

The Political Gender Quota Dilemma

The Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Bill became an ‘Act’ in July 2012. This Act introduced an electoral gender quota into the Irish political system...

Dead Man Tries to Collect Pension

A dead man apparently attempted to collect his pension in an Irish Post Office. Ably assisted by two living accomplices he arrived or was...

Irelands Independence Day

The establishment and opening of Dáil Éireann the first truly Irish Parliament on January 21st 1919 was one of the defining political actions in...

A New Ireland Blueprint Towards the new Republic part I

The system is broken. It’s like Humpy Dumpy. “All the king’s horses and all the kings men can’t patch the old system back together...

Wake UP and Open your Eyes!

A message to Irish people readers from Let’s open our eyes and see the most diverse behind-the-scenes monstrous plans that are currently being...

1865 – Police Raid Irish People Newspaper

The Irish People, was a nationalist weekly newspaper founded in 1863 by the Irish Republican Brotherhood and was supportive of the Fenian movement. It was first...