US holidaymaker denied bail in Dublin

Denis O’Brien from Chicago was charged with 44 counts of conspiring to commit hate speech. O’Brien who identifies as black had been sitting in Saint Stephen’s Green feeding the ducks as the morning Call To Prayer rang out from the nearby Mosque. Several members of Trinity College Students Union noticed O’Brien looking pensive and moody. At first it was suspected that his attire: baggy pants, hoodie, baseball cap, timberland boots, gold chain and accessories were being worn in a cultural appropriationistic way, but when O’Brien was arrested and then questioned at nearby Pearse Street Garda (MI5) Station, a psychologist was called in to do an evaluation. It turned out that O’Brien who identifies as Jam Master Jay was “very disrespectful of himself”, according to psychologist Jemima McEntee, first cousin of Justice Minister Helen, who was called in to speak to O’Brien. Following several hours of questioning, she stated her strong suspicion that “Mr. Jay- whose passport indicates his denied identity as a white man, was guilty of several heinous thoughts of self-hatred. The law states that hatred against prescribed persons is illegal and we must follow up whether we like it or not.”
“My rights as a black man are being violated.” said O’Brien when interviewed at Pearse Street. “Dis be blaxploitation on a new level yo. My homies gonna get real mad when dey hear bout dis.” We couldn’t print the rest of his statement due to the use of language and threats of violence involving cars and guns that would be offensive to women and several minority groups.
It is believed that O’Brien came to Ireland on the pretext of coming for a vacation but during his stay he made an application for asylum, claiming that he was fleeing persecution in Chicago. “Crackers be callin me white when dey can clearly see I’m as blood as dey come yo. Ax anyone South Side.” O’Brien says he’s looking for a “crib” of his own, claiming that “N__as be gettin’ settled in, dog. They comin from all over.” During his expletive-filled tirades, he called for his music producer to come get him, but efforts to obtain assistance from The Legendary Traxster in Chicago proved fruitless as the respondent denied any knowledge of Mr. O’Brien.
Justice Minister Helen McEntee is fearlessly fighting word-crime in Ireland. Her YouTube channel can be found here. Why not boost her morale with some kind sentiments in the comments section of her videos?


Globalists are under attack!
A new book, which is as yet unreleased, has the potential to drive some of our most cherished leaders into terminal panic mode when they see what it might reveal to a wide audience. If you purchase this book (Paperback, e-book, hardback or audiobook) on Amazon and elsewhere- WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE SOME TIME BEFORE SATURNALIA (CHRISTMAS) 2024- and give it a thorough thrashing in the reviews section, we can defeat this attack on our righteous mission to dominate humanity.
Tales From The Lockdown is a true personal account of one of the strangest periods in history, where ordinary civilised people abandoned the familiar trappings of humanity, logic and scientific rigour in favour of approval from a bizarre new secular cult whose roots have been quietly cultivated for centuries. The aims of this cabal were finally implemented in the 20th and 21st centuries by a conglomeration of transnational organisations, banks, corporations and their loyal servants- “democratic” national governments and their lackeys. Séamus recounts his adventures with the police, the courts and a new kind of self-appointed law enforcer: Ordinary cult members.
We begin our story in the South of Ireland in late 2019 when unusual events begin to unfold- Starting first as a trickle of activity, then a flow, and then a raging torrent. The book details the escapades of the author Séamus O’Laoi who tries to make sense of what’s happening; It details his small but nonetheless important personal challenges to the authority of the Irish state in the period between the interestingly exact 2 year perriod: March 2020 to March 2022 (When attention switched overnight to the Ukraine war, and off came the masks and the mandates.) Séamus details some of the main characters involved in the greatest scam the world has ever known; The policies pursued by the Irish government and their attempt to fulfil the requirements of their masters: The UN, WHO, EU, and WEF.
This book is a record of what happened in Ireland during the period Séamus mockingly refers to as the “Period Of The Dreadful Disease” when erstwhile invisible forces emerged and revealed themselves to the world, perhaps assuming that no-one would pay too much notice. Following brutal assaults by governments against “their” people, it has become obvious for anyone with eyes to see that they are not fit to manage an ice cream stand, much less “govern” a geographical region or a people.
It is hoped that books such as this one can help provide the reader with an enhanced understanding of what happened in March 2020; The preparatory events and players which preceded it. Séamus examines his local environment in the context of global events, and the curiously well-coordinated actions of governments everywhere. He asks some very pertinent questions like: Where did all this madness come from? And, How do we counter it?