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Inland Fisheries Ireland Stinking Fishy Business Funding a Nonexistent Club

Episode 1 ‘Inland Fisheries Ireland’ (I.F.I.) seems to be a very fishy outfit in more senses than one. For example it funded an angling club...

We have been lied to for 100 years

The Kingdom of Ireland still exists Henry VIII Monk Hunting  Speaking in Seanad Éireann in 1948 John A. Costello told the assembled senators that as...

An Cumann Gaelach / The Gaelic Society

A' cur an gnìomh gach rud Gàidhlig agus Ath-sgrùdadh Naidheachdan na Gàidhlig The Promotion of all things Gaelic and the Reawakening of the Gaelic Nation It’s...

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves (Part 1 of 3)

This Oped News article by John Martin originally posted in 2008 (first reposted in 2015 on Global Research), skims the surface of a complex historical process which has been...

Irish UFO Has Now Been Identified

Scores of people along Irelands west coast from Sligo to Donegal reported the sighting of a triangular UFO on Monday March 1st. One Leitrim...

Solving the Murder of Michael Collins The Conclusive Evidence

The evidence below is new and corroborates prior evidence from over the last 100 years. All of the evidence is consistent and points in...

Bill Gates and the Rainforest Alliance

The #RainforestAlliance logo is appearing on many products such as sweets, iced treats, coffees, teas and fruits in Lidl, Aldi, Tesco. Psychopath #Gates mentioned...

Gardaí Gang involved in drug importation and Distribution

Explosive claims of Garda collusion and direct involvement in the distribution of illegal drugs have been made last week in an ongoing High Court...

Michael Martin Locked Up in Washington DC St. Patricks Revenge?

After Covid-19 derailed TAOISEACH Michael Martin’s St Patrick’s schedule he will have to remain locked down in Washington DC for 10 days. Even his...

Unity or Slavery A New Kind of Heroism

A new kind of heroism is required to fight the new kind of war that we are all engaged in right now whether we...