Citizens are asked to be on the lookout for “Free Speech Advocates” and those calling to “keep children safe”
Free speech was once a cherished Western concept, but thankfully standards have dramatically improved. Today we no longer consider it acceptable to make clear statements; We have adopted all kinds of mental filters that prevent us from possibly offending anyone or criticising elected leaders. Unfortunately the spectre of unacceptable thoughts and words still haunts society; For example there are those who don’t yet seem to understand that Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) can no longer be referred to as “Paedophiles”, because it offends Minor Attracted Persons.

We all probably know someone who “says it like it is” or has an “opinion” they can’t help expressing. We must face up to the reality that such people do still exist. Society now understands how dangerous such people are and how they must be rooted out. We can be mollified by our desire to see the world through rose-tinted glasses and ignore the ugly truth before us. But the fact remains that Right-Wing Terrorism is staring us in the face. Terrorists are adept at playing to our emotional desire for safety and comfort.
Opinions are merely a way to signal supposed intellectual superiority. “Look at me.” they say, “I have an opinion.” Decent folk understand that opinions are an unaffordable luxury for the idle class who proclaim their right to freedom of speech. What about the person who identifies as a coffee table and gets unceremoniously scalded? Or the person who identifies as a ham sandwich and gets kicked out of a diner for the heinous crime of crawling into a display unit? Where is the freedom of expression for them? Ridicule and rejection is their reward. Opinions are like assholes as the saying goes- They smell bad. It’s time to clean the filth from society. Like every tough decision it comes down to government decisiveness. Do we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the dangerous minority or do we demand that all thoughts be only those approved by our betters?
Below is the broadsheet edition.