HomeSatireThe Penis Who Played Piano

The Penis Who Played Piano



Surely that’s the first word that comes to mind when hearing the name Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy: A man who rocketed to frame as the great Defender of his Ukraine motherland against the onslaught of that dastardly villain Vladimir Putin. How did he do it? Well, simply put, by deploying his dong. It’s what it takes to make it as President these days. Do what it takes to gain a following and you’re half way there. But obviously you’ve got to do a lot more besides. Let’s take a look at some of Zelensky’s other epic moves:

How did a guy who started out as an adult entertainer rise to become a military genius? Can showbusiness prepare you for warfare? Who can tell how Zelensky is able to take on the Russian forces? Whatever the explanation, you have to take your hat off to Mr Zelenskyy, a man who truly knows how to make the most of his mickey.

Пане Зеленський, ви дійсно майстер гри на піаніно своїм пенісом. Сподіваюся, колись від усіх президентів вимагатимуть таких навичок.

Mr. Zelensky, you are indeed a master of playing the piano with your penis. We hope that someday all presidents will be required to have such skills.


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