HomeHistoryWe have been lied to for 100 years

We have been lied to for 100 years

The Kingdom of Ireland still exists

Henry VIII Monk Hunting 

Speaking in Seanad Éireann in 1948 John A. Costello told the assembled senators that as a matter of law, the King was indeed “King of Ireland” and Irish head of state and the President of Ireland was in effect no more than first citizen and a local notable. Has anything changed?

How does our status today compare with where we were then and where we are now? Are we still under The Crown of Ireland ACT 1542? Since this act has never been repealed and despite some efforts at fancy footwork around it, it still remains intact on the statute books. Isn’t this all just historical baggage and aren’t we all in the Republic of Ireland now? Well it’s not as simple as that and things are not what they appear to be as I will explain.

To Hell or to Connaught

Does this Kingdom of Ireland act have anything to do with the fact that we still have parasitic elites – native and foreign – playing word games, using legal fiction and employing financial and political systems that continue to bleed the Irish people dry? Think ‘Roscommon eviction’…. Think Covid restrictions… Think of today’s judicially sanctioned evictions of dubious legality nationwide…. The past’s “To Hell or to Connaught” has for those victims of eviction now become just “To Hell.”

Because of the persistent violation of the Irish people’s inalienable rights we are prompted to ask, was the Kingdom of Ireland ever legally abolished? Is there a niggardly prince in the woodpile influencing everything?

The Free State

The Kingdom of Ireland was constituted in 1542 under the Crown of Ireland Act in the English created Irish Parliament of Henry VIII. It said ‘the British Monarch claims perpetual rights to be King/Queen of Ireland so long as there is an incumbent on the throne in the UK’.

Before the creation of the ‘Free State’ following the ‘Anglo/Irish Treaty’ of 1921, if it was meant to be anything more than window dressing, shouldn’t the British have firstly ascertained that its predecessor was dissolved? Surely the dissolution of the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland 1801 and the dissolution of the Kingdom of Ireland 1542 would have had to take place to legally accommodate the creation of the new “Free State”?

The Government of Ireland Act 1920 makes no reference to the ‘Kingdom of Ireland’ or the ‘Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland’. Therefore “The Government of Ireland Act 1920” had to be merely a cosmetic act to create an illusion, consisting of some devious fancy window dressing. Since those two Acts were never removed, wasn’t The Government of Ireland Act 1920 in fact just a fresh layer of green paint over the existing ‘Kingdom of Ireland’ and the ‘Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland 1801’?

The Treaty That Wasn’t

In all of the official ‘treaty’ documents Britain referred to itself as “Great Britain & Ireland“. If we look at the cover of what is referred to as the ‘Anglo Irish Treaty’ we see that only one party is referred to and only one party is involved. Great Britain and Ireland are referred to as one entity on one line.

  • The British were well seasoned ‘World Stage’ negotiators while the Irish were rank amateurs out of their depth and in the enemy’s layer.
  • The British never showed their hand of cards with “The Kingdom of Ireland” card and the “act of Union” cards hidden from view.
  • Consequently there was no reprehensive of the ‘British Monarch’ present who claims perpetual rights to be King/Queen of Ireland since 1542.
  • The British were conceding nothing but they were theatrically creating a layer of illusion to confound the Irish Delegation of amateurs whose role was similar to that of a participating audience.
  • As far as the British were concerned, the Irish delegation was there only for theatrical appeasement, to be shown who was boss and for public window dressing purposes.
  • In reality there was only one party’s presence recognised and primarily for that reasons it could not have been a treaty.

We are dealing in political and legal ambiguities, shadow boxing and window dressing where to this day much remains hidden. All things are politically possible at least in appearance when the end is required to justify the means. Remember that all parliamentarians are merely actors, playing or acting in assigned roles and consequently everything they do is an act. Think of parliaments as theatres. The Irish Delegation weren’t even aware that they were in a theatre and that their roles were reduced accordingly. You will never get this view of what went on from historians who merely report the illusion as if it were reality.

Constitutional Monarchy

The Irish Free State was Britain’s preordained outcome of the charade known as the ‘treaty negotiations’ that resulted in their predetermined outcome. Ireland was to remain as before, a constitutional monarchy but now a dominion within the British Empire which was now called in short “The Irish Free State”. Its full official title was however “His Majesty’s Government in the Irish Free State”.

In reality nothing much had changed except the appearance, the window dressing and the colour of Irelands Post Boxes with six counties held back. That left the British with just one final score to settle. Those Republicans that had given them a bloody nose had to be punished and now the British had just neatly created the “Irish Free State” to do it for them.

Keeping up Appearances

In its own dour and bloody fashion including the judicial murders of political prisoners the Irish Free State functionaries dutifully put down the Republicans on behalf of their vengeful British masters. They were never happy though with their shoddy “Free State” identity and all the bloody baggage and treachery that went with it.

A fresh new baggage free identity was needed but what they had in mind came with its own problems. The theft of the deposed Dáil Éireann’s, ‘Republic of Ireland’ identity was chosen as their preferred option. After all wasn’t that what they had replaced, well sort of? All they needed now was its identity so they could live more comfortably within their fleshed out illusion.

Legal Pretence

Since they were a British construct that posed them with legal problems that took them considerable time to figure their way around. They finally figured out that if they couldn’t have a republic they could at least have the legal description or appearance of one and even use that to pretend to be one. Now with that masterful obfuscation in mind all they had to do was create a legal description of a republic which they did with their ‘Republic of Ireland Act’ to make their identity theft complete. Remember that it’s still theatre. It’s all an Act. Now at least they would have the legal appearance if not the reality of being ‘The Republic of Ireland’. Isn’t that what actors do when they have a parliamentary theatre to act in? They act and create Acts.

Since 1949 the Republic of Ireland Act has provided that the Republic of Ireland or Poblacht na hÉireann in Irish is the legal description and not the legal name, legal title or constitutional name for the state. ‘The Republic of Ireland Act’ merely provides the state with a description for the purposes of keeping up appearances.

The constitutional name Ireland is normally used but the ‘legal description’ Republic of Ireland is sometimes used to differentiate between the Twenty Six County State and the Island of Ireland.

But then legal ‘descriptions’ can mean anything such as a second rate male athlete ‘identifying’ as a woman to compete in women’s events because he is just not good enough to compete with his fellow males. While he ‘identifies’ as a woman his legal description is now that of a woman. Honest people would always think of him as a ‘faggot fraud’ but most wouldn’t dare to say it out loud in this world of politically correct official insanity. We have a theatre of illusion based on a ‘legal description’ masquerading as ‘The Republic of Ireland’ playing out from Leinster House. It’s not a pretty sight.

We Identify as a Republic

This distinction between description and name was and remains important because the Act was not a constitutional amendment and did not, and could not change the name of the state. It would have been unconstitutional for it to do so without a referendum. No such referendum could be held because the ‘Leinster House’ political entity operating on behalf of ‘The Kingdom of Ireland’ could not do so. The distinction between a description and a name has sometimes and not always unintentionally caused confusion.

The Taoiseach, John A. Costello introduced the legislation while explaining the difference in the following way: ‘The Republic of Ireland Act 1948 declared that Ireland may be officially described as the Republic of Ireland’. Notice that the Act did not change the official name of the state. It merely provided a description for the State. In today’s parlance ‘we identify as the Republic of Ireland’.

The Ghost of Dáil Éireann 1919

The Republic of Ireland identity is a ghost of An Cead Dáil Éireann1919 with menacing echoes of 1916 that has been haunting the guilty consciences of all ‘Free State’ legislators ever since 1922. In their effort to appease that ghost and their guilty consciences they have been trying to atone for their sell-out and to appease the ghost of Dáil Éireann 1919 ever since.

The problem is that the ghost of Henry VIII and his Crown of Ireland ACT 1542 keep getting in the way. That had a lot to do with Henry’s and the Pope’s bitter domestic arguments about wives but that’s another story. Meanwhile Henry and his1542 Act remains intact and neither of them are going anywhere while an English or British Monarch remains on the throne. The Bolsheviks solution to the Romanoff’s presence springs to mind. Oliver Cromwell also had a solution.

Constitutional Dilemma

In the 1937 Constitution “The Republic of Ireland” does not exist. It ghost does however in the still extent 1919 Constitution. The ’37 Constitution of Ireland provides that Éire or Ireland in English is the official name of the State. Article 4 of the Constitution says that the name of the State is Éire. The 1949 Republic of Ireland Act merely provides a legal description and not a legal name which is already provided in the constitution. Section 2 of the 1949 Bill declares that “this State shall be described as the Republic of Ireland.” ‘The Republic of Ireland Act’ merely provides the state with a description for the purposes of keeping up appearances.

The King of Ireland

Speaking in Seanad Éireann John A. Costello told senators that as a matter of law, the King was indeed “King of Ireland” and Irish head of state and the President of Ireland was in effect no more than first citizen and a local notable, until the new law came into force. While the 1949 Act brought about the appearance of change it changed nothing other than appearances.

From the British point of view and in its legal terms the Kingdom of Ireland still exists as The Kingdom of Ireland which was constituted in 1542 under the Crown of Ireland Act which is still on the statute books. The Oireachtas operating out of Leinster House are fully aware of this and are fully compliant with it.

The Crown of Ireland ACT 1542

The doublespeak of the 1962 repeal of the Crown of Ireland act that repealed nothing is evidence of this. The STATUTE LAW REVISION (PRE-UNION IRISH STATUTES) ACT, 1962 repealed ‘The Crown of Ireland ACT 1542’. While the entire 1542 Act was repealed as per the Schedule to that Act, we see something strange in section (2) of the Act therein that;

2.—(1) This Act shall not affect any existing principle or rule of law or equity, or any established jurisdiction, form or course of pleading, practice or procedure, notwithstanding that it may have been in any manner derived from, affirmed or recognised by any enactment hereby repealed.

So although ‘The Crown of Ireland ACT 1542’ was in appearance repealed, it wasn’t repealed at all in reality. Figure that one out. Read it again.

“This Act shall not affect any existing principle or rule of law or equity, or any established jurisdiction, form or course of pleading, practice or procedure, notwithstanding that it may have been in any manner derived from, affirmed or recognised by any enactment hereby repealed.”

Lying to the Irish people since 1922

Is it possible that our Oireachtas legislators have been lying to us as to their true status for 100 years? Aren’t they hiding the truth of the jurisdiction under which they operate? They lead us to believe that they are representatives of the Irish people but they don’t tell us that they are representatives of the people under the 1542 Act on behalf of ‘THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND’.

  • Doesn’t this mean that because an established jurisdiction known as the ‘KINGDOM OF IRELAND’ existed the 1962 Repeal is merely cosmetic and changes nothing?
  • Why do you think that the Oireachtas waited until 1962 to allegedly repeal the British Monarch’s claim to the Kingdom of Ireland?
  • Was it because they couldn’t repeal the 1542 Act because it isn’t within their jurisdiction and because it therefore wasn’t and isn’t in their power to do so?
  • This entire Act continues to remain in force on the British Statute books. When one reads the Act it becomes apparent that it is still in force and why it is still in force.
  • If anyone tries to impugn the English Monarchs eternal right to the Kingdom of Ireland according to this act they are guilty of high Treason.
  • The British created the Leinster house Oireachtas. Without substance it describes itself as ‘The republic of Ireland’. Because the Oireachtas is a British creation under the 1542 Act it would be committing High treason if they tried to repeal or interfere with Henry VIII’s 1542 Act.

High Treason Indeed

The British Monarch claims perpetual rights to be King/Queen of Ireland so long as there is an incumbent on the throne in the UK.

The British Parliament made just one amendment to this Act in 1998. It merely commuted the treasonable offences from the death penalty to life imprisonment in 1998! If anyone tries to impugn the English Monarchs eternal right to the Kingdom of Ireland according to this act they are guilty of high Treason.


Crown of Ireland Act 1542

1542 CHAPTER 1 33 Hen 8

       An Act that the King of England, his Heirs and Successors, be Kings of Ireland.

  1. The King’s highnesse, his heyres and successours, Kings of England, be ALWAYES Kings of Ireland, and that his Majestie, his heyres and successours, have the name, stile, title, and honour of King of Ireland, with all maner honours, preheminences, prerogatives, dignities, and other things whatsoever they be to the estate and majestie of a King imperiall appertayning or belonging; and that his majestie, his heyres and successours, be from henceforth named, called, accepted, reputed, and taken to be Kings of Ireland, to have, hold and enjoy the said stile, title, majestie, and honours of King of Ireland, with all maner preheminences, prerogatives, dignities, and all other the premisses unto the King’s highnesse, his heyres and successours for ever, as united and knit to the imperial crown of England.
  2. High treason by writing, deed, print, or act to occasion disturbance to his crown of Ireland, in name, stile, &c. The forfeiture. Saving the rights of others.

And if anie person or persons, of what estate, dignitie, or condition soever they or he be, subject, or resiant within Ireland, by writing or imprinting, or by any exterior act or deede, maliciously procure or doe, or cause to be procured or done, any thing or things to the perill of the King’s majesties most royall person, or maliciously give occasion by writing, deede, print, or act, whereby the King’s majestie, his heyres or successors, or any of them might be disturbed or interrupted of the crown of Ireland, or of the name, stile, or title thereof, or by writing, deede, print, or act, procure or doe, or cause to be procured or done, any thing or things, to the prejudice, slaunder, disturbance, or derogation of the King’s majestie, his heyres or successors, in, of or for the crowne of Ireland, or in, of or for the name, title, or stile thereof, whereby his Majestie, his heyres or successors, or any of them might be disturbed or interrupted in body, name, stile, or title of inheritance, of, in, or to the crowne of Ireland, or of the name, stile, title, or dignitie of the same, that then every such person and persons, of what estate, degree or condition they be, subject or resiants within Ireland, and their aidours, counsaylours, mainteyners, and abbetours therein, and everie of them, for everie such offence, shall be adjudged high traytors, and everie such offence shall be adjudged and deemed high treason, and the offendours, their aydors, counsailours, maintaynours, and abbetours therein, and every of them being lawfully convicted of any such offence, by presentment, verdict, confession, or proofes, according to the customes and laws of Ireland, [F1be liable to imprisonment for life]*, as in cases of high treason; and also shall lose and forfeit unto the King’s highnesse, and to his heyres, Kings of Ireland, all such his mannors, landes, tenements, rents, reversions, annuities, and hereditaments, which they had in possession as owner, and were sole seised in their own right, of, by, or in any title or meanes, or in any other person or persons, had to their use of any estate of inheritance, at the day of any such treason and offences by them committed and done. And that also every such offendour shall lose and forfeit to the King’s highnesse, and to his said heyres, as well all manner such estates of freehold, and interest for yeares of lands and rents, as all the goods, cattels and debts, which they or any of them had, at the time of their conviction or attaindour of, or for any such offence, saving alway to every person and persons, and bodies politique, their heyres, successours, and assignes, and to every of them, other then such persons as shall be so convicted or attainted, their heyres and successours, and all other clayming to their use, all such right, title, use, interest, possession, condition, rents, fees, offices, annuities, commons and profites, which they or any of them shall happen to have, in, to or upon any such manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, annuities, and hereditaments, which so shall happen to be lost and forfeited, by reason and occasion of any of the treasons or offences above rehearsed, any time before the said treasons or offences committed or done.

Who is kidding you?

If for a minute you think that The Crown of Ireland ACT 1542 was repealed by “The STATUTE LAW REVISION (PRE-UNION IRISH STATUTES) ACT, 1962 where the Act was given the appearance by the Oireachtas of being repealed as per the Schedule to that Act, think again. The UK’s Crime and Disorder Act 1998 following the Good Friday Agreement makes it perfectly clear that it still remains intact with just one minor amendment regarding treason and piracy.

Crime and Disorder Act 1998

36 Abolition of death penalty for treason and piracy.

(1)In section I of the M1Treason Act (Ireland) 1537 (practising any harm etc. to, or slandering, the King, Queen or heirs apparent punishable as high treason), for the words “have and suffer such pains of death and” there shall be substituted the words “be liable to imprisonment for life and to such”.

(2)In the following enactments, namely—

(a)section II of the M2 Crown of Ireland Act 1542 (occasioning disturbance etc. to the crown of Ireland punishable as high treason);

(b)section XII of the M3 Act of Supremacy (Ireland) 1560 (penalties for maintaining or defending foreign authority);

(c)section 3 of the M4Treason Act 1702 (endeavouring to hinder the succession to the Crown etc. punishable as high treason);

(d)section I of the M5Treason Act (Ireland) 1703 (which makes corresponding provision),

for the words “suffer pains of death” there shall be substituted the words “ be liable to imprisonment for life ”.

The Crime and Disorder Act was enacted on 31st July 1998 following the Good Friday agreement of 10th April 1998. The Oireachtas changed the constitution and the House of Commons amended one small part of the most offending Act of all as far as the Irish people are concerned.

Articles 2 & 3 of Bunreacht na h-Éireann

As part of the Good Friday agreement the ’26 Counties’ modified their claim to the ‘6 Counties’ by altering Articles 2 & 3 of Bunreacht na h-Éireann. The British contribution was to repeal the Government of Ireland Act 1920, which set up Northern and Southern Parliaments with both being subject to British authority. The British repealed the said 1920 Act in 1998.

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 S.36 is a direct consequence of the Good Friday agreement. Essentially the British repealed the 1920 Act, but only amended the Crown of Ireland Act 1542 by commuting the death penalty to life imprisonment for Treason against the Office of King of Ireland. This surely proves that the British legal claim to the entire island of Ireland is still intact.

United Kingdom of Ireland

The Good Friday agreement allows for a United Ireland once a majority both North and South of the Border agree to it. Doesn’t this mean a United Ireland under the 1542 Kingdom of Ireland, since its legal basis is still in place?

A future United Ireland while the 1542 Act remains simply re-enforces the Kingdom of Ireland concept which was an Article in the Government of Ireland Act 1920; i.e. that at some future date the Northern and Southern Parliaments could if the majority wished join to have one Parliament for the island.

The Controlling Corporate Entity

Are the 1920 Government of Ireland Act and the 1998 Good Friday agreement not essentially the same document? (Lloyd George must be dancing jigs in his grave.)

Since the Kingdom of Ireland Act 1542 remains on the Statute books, Saorstát Éireann (1922), Éire (1937) and Republic of Ireland (1949) must then be no more than secondary creations subject to the Kingdom of Ireland running as the primary corporate governing entity in the background.

The alleged authority of the Oireachtas to enact the 1962 Act stems from Bunreacht na h-Éireann 1937; a constitution enacted while the Crown of Ireland Act 1542 was still quietly running the show in the background in Ireland.

The True Lawful Reality

The Crown of Ireland Act 1542 was and is a forcefully imposed and continues to remain a fraudulent claim over Ireland and the Irish People.

  • It is based on the fraudulent 1155 Laudabiliter claim. Laudabiliter was aPapal bull issued in 1155 by Pope Adrian IV, the only Englishman to have served as Pope. Existence of the bull has been disputed by scholars over the centuries; no copy is extant but scholars cite the many references to it as early as the 13th century to support the validity of its existence.
  • The Crown of Ireland Act is based on a 1542 parliament of Irish Peers created by Henry VIII for the purpose of making him King of Ireland without the parliament he created in any way having any Irish basis for its existence or its parliamentary participants having any jurisdiction or authority to represent the Irish people or the Irish clans by any hereditary, popular authority or precedent whatsoever.
  • The people of Ireland have never consented in any way as a people to or accepted any Norman, English or British monarch’s jurisdiction over Ireland by way of consent or majority.

The Crown of Ireland a Legal Fraud

The British Monarchs legal claim over Ireland amounts to nothing but force and fraud. The Irish People have repeatedly and forcefully rebutted and nullified any and all such claims throughout the centuries.

We cannot assume that the Oireachtas which is a British construct representing British interests in Ireland has ever had our best interests at heart or that they are in any position to or have any desire or inclination to do anything to renounce the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Ireland. The Oireachtas is effectively the under righter for the Crown and the Kingdom of Ireland.


Our society today is as misrepresented as it was in 1542, 1801 or 1922. Self-styled elite – both native and foreign – are using the legal, financial and political systems as battering rams to bleed the Irish people dry. Because of the repeated and horrific violations of our inalienable rights, are we the Irish People going to allow this abuse to continue through Oireachtas subterfuge and misrepresentation?



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